
Coffee & Christ

Coffee & Christ was initiated by a small group of men seeking to explore and discuss their questions regarding the Bible and the church. As the group matured spiritually, the complexity and profundity of their inquiries also increased. Anchored in scripture, we delve deeply into the Word to uncover answers and insights.

This gathering warmly welcomes all individuals, irrespective of gender. We invite you to join us for a morning of fellowship and exploration. If you enjoy a good cup of coffee and an early start to your day, please meet us at Hardee's in Fredericktown every Saturday morning at 6:00 a.m.

V2V Ministries

V2V Ministries was initiated as an outreach to help veterans know that Jesus can still change their life. Just like He did mine. We will be establishing a weekly meeting for fellowship and comradery in the near future. If this is something that you would like to be involved in, please reach out to us via email or WhatsApp. Find out more about my journey HERE.

House Gathering

We host a House Gathering in our home on Monday evenings. We have found that hosting 20-25 people in your home can be a bit distracting but not completely unmanageable. If you would like to know more about our House Gathering, reach out via email, Facebook, or WhatsApp. Our current material resources for our House Gathering can be found HERE.

Circle of Faith

Circle of Faith is an initiative established for local church pastors who convene on a quarterly basis to provide mutual support through prayer. This gathering serves as an opportunity to set aside theological differences and collectively reach out to God in unified prayer, benefitting the broader community. Meetings are held at various locations, rotating each quarter, on the first Friday of March, June, September, and December, commencing at 8:30 a.m. If you are a church leader and would like to know how to be a part of this ministry, please contact us via email, Facebook, or WhatsApp.